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Discover more about private investigators capability, employment and regulations in Nevada.

Discover more about private investigators capability, employment and regulations in Nevada.

ICS offers a full range of private investigation services throughout Nevada, and our investigations are performed by our strategic partner, EDF. All EDF investigators are committed to providing affordable, reliable and confidential services. ICS and our partnered agents are held to the highest levels of professionalism and you can expect their findings reported in an accurate and timely fashion. Our strategic partner in Nevada can provide private investigation services throughout the entire state of Nevada. NV License #1498.

Nevada Private Investigators

Local Nevada Private Investigator

Private Investigators in Nevada are required to be licensed in order to conduct Private Investigation services. If your investigation requires the case to move out of state, the private investigator must still abide by any out of state licensing requirements.

Private Investigator in Nevada

Nevada private investigators must apply for and receive a private investigator’s license from the Nevada Private Investigator Licensing Board before they may operate as a private investigator. Many states have licensing requirements, which are meant to protect clients by holding private investigators accountable, but Nevada has some of the strictest licensing requirements in the country. Private investigator applicants must have at least 5 years of full time investigative experience, for a total of 10,000 hours of experience. Applicants with an Associate’s degree or a Bachelor’s degree in criminal justice may be granted a certain number of hours of experience based on the degree earned. Nevada private investigators must also pass an in-depth background check conducted by the FBI and Nevada Highway Patrol, and complete a one hour written exam with a 75% or higher.

All private investigators working for EDF are fully licensed and up to date on all local, state, and federal industry standards and continuing education requirements. ICS has made it our mission to provide excellent and reliable investigative services to the residents of Nevada. If you need a Nevada private investigation, please do not hesitate to contact ICS, either by calling Toll Free, or by submitting our online form. ICS always offers a free consultation.

Computer and Cellular Forensics

In an increasingly technological world, it has become more important-and more difficult-to keep your personal information safe. Part of keeping your information safe involves knowing who has been accessing your personal electronic devices, and determining if information has been viewed or copied. ICS can retrieve and analyze data from electronic storage devices, like desktop and laptop computers, network servers, external storage drives, flash drives, digital cameras, smart phones such as the iPhone or Android phones, and more. All data retrieval methods used by ICS are complaint with all federal and Maryland state laws, so any data recovered will be available to use as evidence. In addition to recovering emails, instant messages, and text messages, ICS also offers virus and spyware detection and removal, pornography detection, email tracing, computer and network intrusion detection and prevention, Internet history evaluation, and hidden files detection. Contact ICS today to ensure that your data and digital devices are safe. ICS can help protect you from the increasing threat of identity theft.

Adultery, Infidelity, or Cheating Spouse Investigations

Being the victim of infidelity or an extramarital affair can be extremely painful, but for many people, the wonder and worry that comes with not knowing can be far worse. If you start to see any of these common signs of cheating, you may need a private investigator: excessive or secretive computer or cell phone usage, unexpected and unlikely “business” trips, hiding financial information or opening an individual bank account or credit card, losing or removing wedding band or family pictures from the wallet or purse, and frequent hang ups or wrong numbers on the home phone. These are only a select few of the common signs of a cheater and in no way is an all-inclusive list. Trust your gut instinct; if you do not see these specific behaviors, but are still suspicious of your partner’s fidelity, contact ICS for a free consultation. You deserve to know the truth.

If you find out your spouse is cheating and end up filing for divorce, be aware that Nevada is a community property state, which means that if you and your spouse are unable to decide on property division, the court will separate your assets and debts equally. There are some instances in which a judge may decide to distribute property unequally. For example, a Nevada divorce judge may consider proof of an affair, especially proof of money spent on an affair, when deciding how assets and debts should be divided. In these circumstances a private investigator can be invaluable as it can be extremely difficult for a civilian to compile a wide and comprehensive report of this nature without the tools and techniques used by ICS private investigators.

An Adultery, Infidelity or Cheating Partner Investigation by ICS is not just for married couples. Anyone who is in long term or serious relationship can benefit enormously from an infidelity investigation, especially if they own property together, cohabitate, or have children. Adultery is painful no matter what your relationship status is, and everyone has the right to know if his or her partner is cheating. Please do not hesitate to contact an EDF private investigator if you think your partner is cheating, no matter what the status or title of your relationship is.

Child Custody, Visitation, and Support Investigations

Vegas Private Investigators

If you have recently separated from your spouse or partner and there are children involved, you are probably trying to work out the details of who will have custody, how much child support should be paid, and how often visitation should be granted. These are major decisions, but unfortunately, parents are often unable to agree on the details. If you are unhappy in their current arrangement, or who feel that the other parent is going to lie in court in order to make themselves look better or you look worse, or if you think they are trying to cheat their income declarations in order to get more money from you, you are going to need to go to court with a solid reporting of the facts. This is where a private investigator comes in, because it can be impossible, and potentially illegal, for you to gather all the information you need in order to prove your case to a judge. The experienced private investigators with EDF can provide the verified proof you need about you and the other parent, including financial, work, and housing situations, relationships, drug or alcohol problems, and more. No good parent should be kept from seeing their children, especially if the other parent is trying to use custody, support, or visitation rights as a bargaining chip in the divorce or separation. Protect yourself during these crucial decisions by hiring an ICS private investigator to find the information you need. All findings will be presented in a timely manner, and the evidence we collect will be viable in court.

After all initial child custody and child support decisions have been made, you may find yourself dealing with what is known as a “deadbeat dad” or “deadbeat mom” who will not pay their child support. Some parents lie about the amount of money they make in order to evade paying the full child support amount, and some parents do not even attempt to make their payments or only make partial payments. It can be frustrating and difficult to get child support arrangements restructured, so when you do finally get a court date with a Nevada judge, you may need to hire a private investigator to ensure you have all the evidence and documentation required. If you need help proving your child support or custody case to a judge, do not hesitate to contact ICS to begin your free consultation today.

Missing Person and Locate Person Investigations

If you are trying to find a missing person or someone with whom you have lost contact with ICS may be able to help. Because private investigators have no jurisdiction limitations, they can follow a case, no matter where it leads, and private investigators can even investigate cases that police have already investigated or rejected. Our private investigators can also help find people whom you have lost touch with over the years, such as birth parents or distant relatives, childhood friends or lovers, and even people who have stolen from you, conned you, or defrauded you in the past. ICS uses a wide assortment of tools and resources to locate your lost or missing person, whether a crime has been committed or not. If you have an unsolved missing person case, or need to locate a lost person in Nevada or elsewhere, ICS can help. Contact ICS to begin your investigation today; many missing persons cases can be time sensitive, so do not hesitate to begin your investigation.

Nevada Background Checks

If you need a background check performed on an individual living in Nevada, or if you live in Nevada and need a background check performed out of state, ICS can help. Background checks are one the most common and well known tools a Nevada private investigator can provide. Often, a background check is the only information a client needs. In cases where a more in-depth investigation is called for, the background check is a great starting point, providing the investigator and client with valuable leads to pursue. If you need a Nevada background check, or if you have a case involving one, ICS is ready to work for you to provide the discreet and confidential service you need in a delicate and professional manner. ICS has been helping people in Nevada just like you get results since 1967.

Nevada Background Check

Private Investigation Cases Map for in Nevada

Case Studies

  • Overseas Lost Person

    Private Investigator finds a lost person in an overseas country 01/24/2019

  • Locate Lost Person

    ICS was contacted in an attempt to locate a Subject that had been in a 3-year relationship with the Client. 01/17/2019

  • Child Custody Exchange

    ICS was contacted in an attempt to have an Investigator on site to witness the exchange of a child from father to mother. Due to the legality of the exchange, a verified witness was required by the Client to document a proper exchange to negate... 01/08/2019

  • Case Study: Infidelity investigation in a Resort City Like Dubai

    ICS was contacted by a Client in an attempt to verify if her spouse was engaging in acts of Infidelity while on a stay in a city much like Dubai. Investigators were dispatched. We had boot on the ground in the resort and reserved their stay. In... 10/01/2018

  • Case Study: Due Diligence investigation helps business move forward with new investors.

    The private investigator for ICS helped our client make informed decisions about their potential investigators. With this case study the efforts made by ICS thwarted the clients suspicion and made for better business dealing. 09/20/2018

Paper and Press Releases

  • Join our team of Qualified Parties

    There is simply no agency with an international footprint that takes better care of its private investigator talent. "Our solution is simple, take care of you like our own!" -Michael Rabern 08/29/2018

  • Teen Cyber Bullying

    Cyberbullying has become increasingly common, with the increased use of communication technology, especially among teenagers.

  • Cellphone Spyware

    Cellular Spyware is basically "phone surveillance". It is an app that has usually been installed by a third party on a cell phone that allows them to listen to or record conversations, track location and monitor all the data of the cell phone that... 12/07/2015

  • Workers Compensation Fraud

    Worker's compensation programs are compensation plans for the victims of all job-related injuries.  When an employee gets hurt on the job, the employer is liable for medical expenses, lost income and other expenses until the employee has healed... 12/07/2015

  • ICS Will Not Do Cheating Decoy Investigations

    International Counterintelligence Services (“ICS”), a leader in the private investigations industry takes a strong stand against Cheating Decoy Investigations. 12/07/2015

Local Associations and Important Resources for Nevada

Nevada private investigator association

Website: www.nalionline.org

About Nevada:


State of Nevada official website:


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