ICS World Private Investigator Private Investigator Services Since 1967
1 (800) 828-9198 - Toll Free 24hrs
001 480-990-8888 - International
Confidential & Recommended Private Investigator Services Since 1967

Security & Private Investigator

Our investigative company has been providing security and investigation professionals with help since 1967.

Whether you're brand-new to the profession, or a hardened private investigator with decades of experience, you can profit from an association with ICS. As one of the largest and most effective firms in the country, ICS has the contacts and resources to help anyone. 

We have a distinctly personal touch with our employees and others that we directly work with.  It's a singular commitment of integrity to each security and investigation professional. Put simply, we are all things to all people.  We strive to become better at our job by helping you at the same time.  Let us help you reach your goals.

You can trust that we know our profession well, considering we've been in business since 1967.  We strive to do well at what we do and hope that you look to do the same.

Recent Investigation Inquiries

Origin Investigation Location Case Type
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada Canada Other Private Investigator Case
Stottville, New York United States Private
NEWARK, California California Other Private Investigator Case
Pleasanton, California United States Private
ALANTA, Georgia United States Adultery or Infidelity Investigations Marital
CHICAGO, Illinois United States Other Private Investigator Case
INDIANAPOLIS , Indiana United States Other Private Investigator Case
IRVINE, California United States Background Investigation
WOODBRIDGE, Virginia United States Child Support Enforcement and Collection
Temple, Texas United States Unfaithful or Cheating Partner

Case Studies: Security & Private Investigator

International Due Diligence Case Study

A client called ICS to perform due diligence on a man who he was thinking of becoming business...

Phone Number Search Case Study

A Client was getting hang-up calls from the same phone number several times a week. When she...

Adultery Violated the Law Michigan

Michigan Adultery Law clearly defines Adultery as a crime in its penal code.

Business Background Checks for New Employees or Possible Business Partners

Conducting a due diligence investigation provides a business with a complete history of a subject...

Case Study of Stalking and Harassment of a Female Medical Professional

Imagine you worked your whole life to become something. You wanted to help other people who had...

Cell Phone Spyware Discovered

When Jane, a middle-aged woman, began to have marital problems she suspected that her husband...

Computer Forensics Overview Case Study

Computer Forensics: When looking at the bigger picture of the computer forensics investigation...

Counter Surveillance of Disability Fraud Investigation Case Study

A client won a lawsuit from a large corporation that resulted in her receiving disability...

Email Infidelity in a Computer Forensics Investigation Case Study

Email Infidelity in a Computer Forensics Investigation: The boyfriend was very emotional at the...

Employer Conducted Illegal Espionage on Employee, Discovered by Computer Forensics

A prominent businessman from a large corporation had given notice of resignation from his...

Forensic Surface Drug Testing Case Study

ICS is a highly specialized drug testing company that provides forensic surface drug testing in...

Graphic Content in a Computer Forensics Investigation Case Study

Out of curiosity, a wife of 10 years decided to look to see what was on her husbands computer....

Private Investigator Busts Catfish Scam Case Study

After communicating with a woman online for over a year, ICS was contacted to determine if our...

Records Search for Retired Private Investigator Case Study

A retired private investigator contacted International Counterintelligence Service Inc. in need...

Cafishing for a Job

Through a comprehensive investigation we were able to determine the identify of the material...

Case Study: Can a jewlery theft case that's gone cold be solved?

The Client sought professional help in an effort to capture still images of a video, visually...

Case Study: Due Diligence investigation helps business move forward with new investors.

The private investigator for ICS helped our client make informed decisions about their potential...

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