Parental child abduction is where a parent of family member removes a child from the domicile without the content of the other parent or legal guardian. This is not stranger-danger, this unfortunately is a violation of a close family member and a confidant of the child. This is an international phenomenon, where the abductor is using the cost and complexity of international relations to thwart the will and means of the victim parent.
When a the abductor has made the decision they will at time prepare fraudulent passports, fraudulent documents and other forgeries to assist. Its important to understand they will be indebted to criminal elements that may have ulterior plans. Recognized by The Hague as worldwide problem countries are attempting to work together, however its still restrictive and culturally impossible.
ICS provides you the investigative talent to giving your case the edge where country systems simply can't go. In addition ICS makes all available resources, typically reserved for government agencies available to assist in the recovery of children.