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Search and Locate a Missing Runaway Case Study

A mother of a teenage girl woke up in the middle of the night to find the girl had run away. The mother knew the girl wanted to be with her adult boyfriend. The mother was panic-stricken and called the police to report her daughter as an endangered runaway. Despite the urgency of the situation, the overworked police department couldn’t provide the immediate help needed.


A mother of a teenage girl woke up in the middle of the night to find the girl had run away. The mother knew the girl wanted to be with her adult boyfriend. The mother was panic-stricken and called the police to report her daughter as an endangered runaway. Despite the urgency of the situation, the overworked police department couldn’t provide the immediate help needed.

The mother called ICS’s answering service in the middle of the night, requesting an emergency response. The Case Analyst received the information from the 24-hour service and called the client. She pleaded with him to locate her daughter before she suffered harm from the boyfriend.

The Case Analyst explained that ICS would conduct a search and locate on the boyfriend, and interview him to try and extract information about the girl’s location. It was also noted that the girl stole her mother’s bank card. ICS contacted the bank to inform them of the problem, and asked to be contacted immediately if there was any activity on the card.


The daughter and the boyfriend went to the bank in an attempt to withdraw money. The bank acted on cue and contacted ICS and the mother. An agent was dispatched immediately to the bank where the daughter and boyfriend were waiting to receive money. Upon arriving at the scene, the mother and private investigator spoke with the daughter. The mother was overjoyed that not more than 24 hours had passed since her daughter went missing. She also realized that her daughter was in need of counseling. The mother requested that the ICS private investigator follow her daughter to a mental health facility so she could get the help that she so desperately needed.

What to do next:

If you are facing a similar situation or looking for any type of investigation to be done, contact us for a free consultation. No case is too big or too small, we will work with you to get the same positive results. Our licensed and trained professionals are on call 24 hours a day at Toll Free (800) 828-9198 or you can also contact ICS online.

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