August 28th, 2012 – ICS of Colorado’s Owner and Operator Grant Linhart recently joined the National Council of Investigation and Security Services (NCISS). NCISS is an organization that’s primary purposes is to monitor national legislative and regulatory activities affecting the investigation and security industry.
Joining NCISS is a perfect example of Mr. Linhart’s continuing commitment to improving his practice of high standards and professional conduct towards those he serves in the private investigator industry. Grant Linhart will also have access to educational workshops, conferences and regional meetings to further improve his skills and abilities.
About ICS of Colorado
ICS of Colorado is an independently owned licensee of ICS. ICS of Colorado is owned by Mr. Linhart and is based locally out of Denver. Mr. Linhart is a private investigator in Colorado. ICS of Colorado handles investigations of any size, throughout the state and accepts most case types. Contact ICS of Colorado to begin your investigation today.