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Adultery Surveillance Case Study

A concerned husband solicited the services of the trained professionals at International Counterintelligence Service Inc. He told ICS that he is beginning to suspect his wife is cheating on him. He expresses his concern to her, and asks her if this is true.


A concerned husband solicited the services of the trained professionals at International Counterintelligence Service Inc. He told ICS that he was beginning to suspect his wife was cheating on him. He expressed his concern to her, and asked her if this was true.

The wife vehemently denied she was having an affair, but her peculiar behavior continued. The husband was still suspicious and as a result, began to intercept his wife’s emails and text messages. He found she was corresponding with a certain man, and the messages included pledging their love to one another.

One evening the wife told her husband that she had business to conduct in another state, and would be traveling for a week. The state where she was traveling was where the husband believed the boyfriend resided.

The husband needed visual proof that his wife was, in fact, having an affair. When the husband spoke with the Case Analyst at ICS, he told him that if his fears were confirmed, then he would file for divorce and for sole custody of their two children. During the free consultation with the Case Analyst at International Counterintelligence Service, the client (with the expert help of the case analyst) determined the best action plan for the situation. Surveillance would be the best way to validate the husband’s fears. He could not rely on his wife to be honest about the affair because she had already fervently denied it.

An unfaithful mate is devastating, and suspicions without proof make it even harder to comprehend and move on.

The husband, with the guidance of case management, provided ICS with his wife’s flight information, including airline, airport, and date and time of travel. The goal was to have an investigator from International Counterintelligence Service Inc. positioned at the airport where the wife was to land, and to document if she was meeting her lover.

In order for the private investigator to reliably identify the subjects, he had received digital photographs of the two of them. After the wife’s flight arrived, the private investigator from ICS positioned himself near baggage claim, on an upper level. At this location, he had a perfect view of the deplaning passengers from that flight. The woman was greeted by her lover, and they embraced and kissed. They continued to walk to the baggage claim hand in hand. The investigator assigned to this case was able to provide video documentation of the public displays of affection.


Although the worst fears of the husband had been validated by confirming that his wife had indeed been unfaithful to him, he was very grateful for the precise action that was taken by International Counter Intelligence Service Inc. With his desire to know the truth, and the commitment of the investigator, he was able to make a decision that was best for him and his children.

What to do next:

If you are facing a similar situation or looking for any type of investigation to be done, contact us for a free consultation. No case is too big or too small, we will work with you to get the same positive results. Our licensed and trained professionals are on call 24 hours a day at Toll Free (800) 828-9198 or you can also contact ICS online.

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Individual Clients for Spousal or Matrimonial Investigations

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